
Old 90s PC


It all started in the early 90s when I was in my preparatory stage at my school and we were first introduced to QBASIC, and it was music to my ears, that's when I fell in love with writing code. I started writing small programs on scrapes of paper and imagining how the output would be, I didn't have a PC then. But my teachers convinced my parents I needded one, soon I got my first PC: a 386 with 80 megabytes of storage!

Old PC with ATX case


Years have passed, now I own an ATX case and Visal Basic is my best companion. But I'm in the faculty of Electrical Power Engineering, and I feel stranded. Finally a glimpse of hope appears in my final years with the intorduction of two complex subjects: Microprocesso & Interface, though foreign from the assembly language, I excelled them both, and wrapped this with a computer based graduation project.

HP business laptop


Working as an electrical design engineer meant my only use for computers was for using AutoCAD, and boy did I enjoyed writing LISP and VBA macros for our draftsmen. But then the oppurtuniny came to work as a developer in a billing system writing PL/SQL scripts and Java tools, and now they call me the "Genius", but I call myself a "Worker/Coder".


Screenshot from

Brainy Leaks

Technology and Photography blog hosted on Google Blogger

Java coffee cup logo

Bill SMS

A template based SMS generation Java engine to send bill advice to customers

Visual Basic 6 logo

3D Graph

Draws 3D results of 3 parameter equations and can change view angle

Screenshot from video talking about cappuccino

What is Cappuccino?

A short YouTube video explaining different types of espresso beverages

Microsoft Excel logo

CDR Reader

Excel sheet with VBA macros to read standard binary files for mobile calls

Visual Basic 6 logo

Area Calculation

GUI to draw any simple closed polygonal shape and then calculate its area

PHP logo

YouTube Grab

Takes YouTube playlist URL and converts it to an iTunes Podcasts XML video and/or audio

Microsoft Excel logo

Slide Generator

Excel table with VBA macro to create PowerPoint slide for each row

Visual Basic 6 logo

Pathology Database

GUI for storing and printing pathology reports
